
Natural Hangover Remedies

If you’re reading this, you’re probably feeling pretty groggy atm, or understand that you will be at some point soon from overdoing it with alcohol on a wild night out. But because you normally take care of your body you might be seeking more natural hangover remedies.

Looking for a Quick Hangover Cure? Coffee Not Hangover Remedy

Natural hangover remedies are the smart solution, not necessarily the quickest. At the core of whatever route you take, you need water, rest, & time to recover.

It’s important to understand that a hangover typically means you’re dehydrated, tired, and to a degree poisoned from the alcohol, congeners, and whatever sledge that passed for food at 2AM when you weren’t making the best decisions. (Congeners are the toxic substances commonly found in darker alcohol, liqueurs, mixers, & so forth). If you’re feeling a hangover it’s because your body is in bad shape. So think about that, rather than just popping a pill to feel better.

As far as a quick hangover cure is concerned, it seems a couple Alka-Seltzers, a greasy breakfast, & some sports electrolyte drinks often do the trick. And of course coffee will help wake you up if it’s a work day (coffee can dehydrate you even further, so be sure you’re also drinking water if you go this route).

But that’s the stuff anyone can do. We’re trying to live a healthier life than that, right? Even if we did slip up last night, it’s time to get back on track & find some:

 Natural Hangover Remedies to Help You Bounce Back

So, starting with the most important:

1. Steady Hydration.

Drinking water during the course of an alcohol-fueled night is the best way to prevent the hangover. Or even drinking 1-2 glasses at the end of the night before you go to bed can often prevent it. But we’re not talking about prevention here. If it’s too late for prevention, start hydrating yourself the minute you wake up.

Sometimes a headache can dissipate within seconds of rehydration. If you’re not that lucky, keep drinking water  and other healthy liquids, then consider these other options.

2. Nutrition, Fats & Salt…All in One Natural Hangover Remedies

You’ll be craving every manor of junk food or fast food under the sun. But your body is already beat down and dealing with enough toxicity. Try sprinkling sea salt on an avocado for a healthy snack. The avo is packed full of nutrition & healthy fats; plus it’s easy to digest. And the sea salt helps you replenish electrolytes.

Or you could slice up a cucumber & do the same. Even better, slice up both & add them to a dark green leafy salad. Generously pour on olive oil as the dressing, with sea salt, pepper, & a little juice from a lemon or lime wedge, or a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar. The lemon, lime, or apple cider vinegar help restore your body from an acidic to a more alkaline state.

3. Sweat Out the Toxins.

If you have access to a sauna or steam room, awesome. If not, a hot bath or shower can help you break a sweat. This seems to speed up the detox process to help you get back to normal sooner than later.

Green Juice for Hangover Remedy

Fresh squeezed green juice with ginger helps w/nausea, dehydration, & lost nutrients.

4. Fresh Squeezed Juice w/Ginger

Drinking water isn’t the only way to hydrate yourself. Drinking green tea or other herbal teas, eating a nutritious bowl of vegetable soup with GINGER, or making a tall glass of fresh juice gives you the hydration PLUS a little extra in the form of nutrition & energy. Fruit juice is great, and if you can add a little kale and ginger you’ll be the better for it. Kale for the nutrients and ginger to help with the nausea. Or boil some fresh ginger & lemon for a simple herbal tea.

5. Green or Chocolate Smoothie

A smoothie also provides the one-two punch of hydration and nutrition, but if you add raw cacao powder it simultaneously provides a little energy boost (sort of like coffee) but because of the magnesium it can also have a calming effect, which is nice if you’re a little jittery. Coconut water, frozen banana, avocado, a little spinach, & perhaps some frozen blueberries as an anti-inflammatory…the ingredients can really vary. But here are 2 simple smoothie recipes that might help:

Green smoothie: Blend one banana, one avocado, 3/4 cup frozen berries, a handful of raw spinach, 1 tablespoon honey, & 1 cup cold water (or fresh juice/coconut water…all these amounts may vary slightly).

Chocolate smoothie: Blend a banana, avocado, honey, 1 heaping tablespoon raw cacao powder, & water w/ice. Or add coconut water, almond milk, raw organic milk, 2-3 dates, etc, to make it even better.  (Read more smoothie recipes.)

6. Baking Soda

Baking soda, or sodium bicarbonate, seems to help settle the stomach quite well. If you’re in a desperate way, Alka Seltzer combines it with aspirin to help with the headache. While it’s probably not the most natural of hangover remedies, it is often effective. An alternative could be to mix a tablespoon of baking soda in a tall glass of cold water and take a turmeric supplement, which is traditionally used as a natural anti-inflammatory, liver tonic, for digestive health, and general health & well being.

 Explore & Share Your Own Hangover Remedies

Ultimately you’ll have to rely on water, sleep, and time to detox as your true natural hangover remedies. But we like shortcuts in life, and hopefully these suggestions will give you something to explore the next time you go a little heavy on the sauce.

One time a particular remedy will work great. The next time it might not even make a dent. That’s why it’s important to look at a bunch of hangover remedies to have many recovery options at your disposal.

Like all things, a little prevention goes a long way. So try to gulp down a couple glasses of water as you party the night away. It’s amazing how much better you’ll bounce back the next day!


This is not intended as medical or professional health advice. Please contact a qualified health practitioner for any health concerns or medical advice. And always, always do your own research as you seek to make the right decisions for your body and mind.