

Avocados -Full of Fat

Avocados are Full of Fat!

Will avocados make me fat?

We all know avocados are high in fat…somewhere in the ballpark of 28g each. So the questions naturally arise… With all that fat, do avocados make ME fat or gain weight? Are they actually bad for my health? 

Based not only on personal experience, but also every single piece of information I can find by reliable sources, avocados are not only extremely healthy, but under most circumstances it would be hard to even imagine this food making anyone fat. Fairly safe to say that nobody in the world is obese because they can’t go 24 hours without a serving or two of avocado.

In fact, you can likely eat a whole avocado a day and still lose weight! Read on…


Avocado Health Benefits

The health benefits of avocados far outweigh any negative properties. Most everyone knows they are high in fat, but not everyone realizes:

  • This fat is easily broken down by the body and therefore doesn’t become stored as fatty tissue
  • Avocados actually help your body metabolise its reserves of stored fat
  • The fats in avocados help you get more nutrients out of the other foods you combine it with

According to the Mayo Clinic’s website:

“Dietary fat is one of the three macronutrients, along with protein and carbohydrates, that provide energy for your body. Fat is essential to your health because it supports a number of your body’s functions. Some vitamins, for instance, must have fat to dissolve and nourish your body.”     –

Understanding the Types of Fat

There are two basic types of fats, saturated and unsaturated, with unsaturated having three different variations:

  1. Saturated. These sometimes raise the “bad” cholesterol levels in your bloodstream and therefore increase the risk of cardiovascular disease. Found in whole milk products, butter, cakes, cookies, pastries.
  2. Unsaturated.
  • Monounsaturated. Help lower cholesterol levels in your blood. Often found in plant-based oils and nuts.
  • Polyunsaturated. Essential for your health, these are your omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. Omega 3’s are essential for growth, cell structure, and a healthy immune system. Omega-6’s help lower the risk of cardiovascular disease.
  • Trans fat. These raise cholesterol levels, increasing risk of cardiovascular problems. Often found in meat and dairy, but especially found in high amounts amongst processed foods.

Here’s the Real Deal

If avocados were high in Saturated fat or especially Trans fat, they could be a problem. But they aren’t. They are high in monounsaturated fat, low in saturated fat, and don’t have any trans fats! This is perfectly healthy to consume in reasonable amounts. In fact, the Mayo Clinic goes on to say:

“Studies show that eating foods rich in monounsaturated fats (MUFAs) improves blood cholesterol levels, which can decrease your risk of heart disease. Research also shows that MUFAs may benefit insulin levels and blood sugar control, which can be especially helpful if you have type 2 diabetes.”

So as a general guideline…

Trans Fats are to be completely avoided.

Saturated Fats can be kept to moderate levels if obtained from natural sources like fish, chicken, nuts, oils, organic butter, organic raw milk, beef, lamb, ghee…and not from processed sources like salami, sausages, pizza, biscuits, pastries, & so forth.

Monounsaturated and Polyunsaturated Fat are not only okay, but a DESIRABLE part of a healthy diet. Many natural health experts suggest that around 30% of a healthy diet can be from unsaturated fats (and some saturated).

As far as avocados making you fat is concerned, the majority of people who “can’t have avocados” because of weight issues are already eating other foods that are more likely the problem. Pizza makes you fat. Beer makes you fat. Ice cream, lasagne, sodas (including diet sodas), bread, pastries, hamburgers, fast food, and sitting on your butt make you fat. But not avocados.

Generally a person who gets regular exercise, eats moderate portions of natural food, and avoids empty snacks will have no problem with their bodyweight or body fat percentage.


Avocado Fat Content is Not the Culprit: But Keep Looking!

For all you avocado lovers out there, now that you’ve asked yourself, Will avocados make me fat, and know the answer, perhaps these questions touch on the real factors affecting your health and ability to stay fit.

  • Are there any other factors that might be causing your situation?
  • Are you exercising to the point of breaking a sweat daily?
  • Do you walk around a lot or just sit in a chair for hours and hours at work?
  • Are you snacking after dinner?
  • Are you eating crackers, chips, frozen meals, or fast food?
  • Do you drink less than 8 cups of water each day?
  • Do any of your hobbies involve physical exercise?

Eat Up!

Because avocado fat content is actually good for you and becoming known as more of an ally to a healthy lean body, you really can enjoy this delicious, natural treat with a clear conscience and use it to build a healthier, happier you.