
Training your body to be FIT is no easy feat. In a way it’s kind of like going to war. For me it is anyway, at least early on, or when I’ve been out of it for a while.  From what I understand, engaging in battle requires that you constantly do cost-benefit analyses…weighing the risk of a certain action against its potential reward.

I had a good streak going late last year, working out and eating much more how I’d like. For years I had been playing around on the outskirts of health food and physical training. And I finally took that next step of getting serious about it all.

I wish I was more familiar with the concept of treating this like a battle, constantly doing cost-benefit analyses and what not. It might have saved me from losing about a year of training. But I wasn’t thinking about things from a long term perspective on the evening I took an unnecessary risk, fell, and shattered my elbow into God knows how many pieces. And now four months later, despite a fantastic surgical repair, I am a long, long way from doing a single pushup. In fact, I can’t really do most things properly with my right arm.

And because working out was such a driving force in my own personal motivation to get fit, my dietary habits plummeted. I carry an extra burden everywhere I go, nearly every minute of the day, and I fight a somber mood. My body was changing for the better, now it has taken several steps back.

Some people conceptualize a pendulum swing, but in a way, I actually feel it…like a little ant who went exploring for food, and wound up on the swinging ball of an office pendulum. I often think to myself, I didn’t ask for this!! But unfortunately it’s what I walked into, and  now it’s a harsh reality.

Maybe you can relate. If you’ve ever been really sick. If you had high aspirations for yourself that were cut down by an accident, illness, or series of unfortunate events, then you know what I’m talking about.

Some of you know a lot more about suffering than I do. My elbow and the pre-existing ailments in my life are pretty trivial when compared to what you might be facing at the moment. But to a degree we can all identify with each other. Your cancer is much more serious than my troubled arm. And my arm is more limiting than the next guy’s tendonitis. Yet strangely we’re all in this together.

So I have a substantial obstacle blocking my path to success. And most likely so do you. This is all about to change. It HAS to. Personally I can’t live this way. I remember what it’s like to be strong. To be disciplined. To take control. To be headed somewhere good. And I’d like to think that’s where I’m going again. I’d like to take you with me. And in turn, I’d be grateful if you also help me along.

Winston Churchill once said, “Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm.” So we’re not perfect, and plenty of wrong turns have been made. But let’s not let that stop us from moving toward our goals…and having some fun in the process!

While this website is primarily concerned with putting people who want help in touch with good tools & resources from the true experts, I will on occasion chime in with my own perspective and experience. My rants. Successes. Setbacks. Discoveries. And more.

I’m happy for you to write in and offer your insight. I may not always agree with it, nor will you agree with everything that gets posted on this site. That’s ok. We can still be happy for each other & offer encouragement. I need it. And I hope you’ll find some help here at Seamless D.

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