
The past five days I’ve been doing a bit of a detox. It’s not a hardcore program, so officially I’m calling it a “mini liver detox”. And when asked how long I’m doing it for, my humble answer is, “I don’t really know for sure. I just knew I needed at least a couple days without some of the stuff that was causing me problems.”

And two days turned into three pretty easily. Now I’m at the beginning of day 6, yet I don’t even know with certainty that I plan to get to day 30, or day 10, or even finish day six. I’m just sort of doing it. My patterns of consuming toxic food & drink were steadily getting worse, as were my skin conditions, energy levels, and sleeping patterns.

My skin got to the point where the natural remedies were completely useless, and even the powerful (and toxic) prescription creams weren’t able to deal with the psoriasis. Unfortunately at this stage in my life, while I know it’s much better to just eat right in the first place, when my will power is low I have to look to some sort of outside stimulus, a new trick to get me going on the right track.

So this time around my focus was on a liver detox. Everything with my stubborn skin problems and several other health issues was pointing to an overtaxed liver. And telling myself, “I am going to do a liver detox,” has proven to be the jump start I needed to get on track.

Funny thing is, I’m technically not even doing any specific, regimented liver detox program. But I have:

  • temporarily cut out ALL alcohol and junk food
  • started drinking herbal teas & fresh lemon juice on a daily basis
  • increased my raw food intake to about 90% of my total diet
  • decreased my intake of meat (including fish & chicken) to about 1 meal in 6
  • started eating raw beets & garlic
  • and one more goody. Read on…

At the end of day two my bowels were already loosened up to the point where I had 3 bowel movements that day! I was moderately “regular” with one easy one per day before that, but really a person should be having 2-3 easy bowel movements every single day. And because I still felt like I needed the “external jump start,” I did my first coffee enema that night. Yikes.

That’s right. I didn’t DRINK a coffee to help pump me up for doing an enema. There wasn’t an enema with a coffee & a smoke afterward. It was a coffee enema. And technically I’m sure I should have had more of a dietary detox period leading up to it…but psychologically I knew I needed a boost like that.

I’ll go into more detail & explanation of coffee enemas later, and actually have a pretty thorough article I’ve written about it that I’ll post soon, but I will say that at the very least it helped me out psychologically.

Here’s the reason why. If you’ve struggled to eat perfectly well a few days in a row and then you’ve actually shoved some organic coffee up your bum to detoxify your liver…you might as well go another day of eating the right foods! LOL.

(Please don’t attempt the coffee enema without plenty of research and consulting your health care practitioner. But something tells me I probably didn’t have to tell you that.)

So I’m not really sure how many days I’ll actually do what I’m doing. I’m just sort of “doing it today” up to this point. And I’m happy with what I’ve done. Not because 5 or 6 days is anything significant…if it were 5 or 6 months that would be a different story. But because it’s broken a recent bad cycle for me. I was in a rut, which I tend to get into fairly easily, and the understanding that if I just start kicking ass on my liver toxicity rather than making it worse, maybe my skin would improve some.

Will it work? I think so. And here’s a little early evidence.


The lighting and angle are obviously different, but you can still see how relaxed the psoriasis is after just 3 days of cleaning up my diet and taking some measures to clean my liver.

Just to be clear, unintentionally the different lighting, camera angle, etc, have slightly exaggerated the difference. But the change is evident. There was at least a 20% improvement in my psoriasis after just 3 days of eating better & detoxing my liver.

Between days 3 and 5 it didn’t change much more.  And some areas of my skin remain unchanged so far. But the initial change was plain to see.

Also I’ve gone from getting 2-5 hours sleep most nights to 5-6 hours, and could have slept longer were it not for some external noises that woke me up.

So dietary changes to the body are very real, and I’m experiencing it first hand. Check back for more detox information. And best of luck with your health endeavors!!