
Whether you have a cold, rash, chronic headaches, or even a pretty serious disease, thousands of other people have experienced something similar and found relief with the help of natural remedies.

Why do we need to explore natural remedies?

Aren’t mainstream solutions more potent than alternative treatments?

In some cases prescription drugs and other conventional medicines certainly can deliver fast results. But even if your insurance covers much of the cost, you still might pay a hefty price in other ways.

Prescription drugs & conventional medicines:

  1. Are usually synthetic, a lab-tweaked version of something that already exists in nature.
  2. Only mask the symptoms.
  3. Often create other problems within your body. These side-effects can be worse than the initial symptoms you started out with.

Have a quick look at the possible side effects of every bottle in your medicine cabinet right now. Don’t be surprised to see a long list on EACH of them, with plenty of overlap in the areas of nausea, vomiting, internal bleeding, diarrhea, major potential for “rebound” symptoms, and so forth.

These side effects are listed because that’s exactly what happened to plenty of real people who’ve taken it.

Why do they cause these side effects?

It can be your body’s way of rejecting something dangerous. It’s suffering already, but now you’re adding more toxic chemicals and it just wants to get rid of them, for example via vomiting and diarrhea.

Or the negative reaction occurs because the medicine is so tough to deal with that it weakens your internal systems & natural functions (constipation, tiredness, feinting, etc).

Not exactly reason to celebrate the headache going away when you think about it.

And what do we do if we experience nasty side effects? We typically head right back to the doc and get a different prescription! Sometimes we’ll try four or five different prescriptions before finding one that DOESN’T make us worse!

Be Smart…There are No Risk-free Options

Big pharmaceutical companies will often find a natural source that is effective in healing, extract one of the key components, then tweak it a little so they can call it their own and make hundreds of millions of dollars.

Fine, they want to get rich. But what if that comes at a serious risk to you and me? What if that risk is much, much greater than a headache or minor side effect?

Critics of herbal remedies, naturopathy, homeopathy, nutritional healing, and the like, often site the “dangers” of natural cures due to lack of scientific research and approval by the governing bodies.

But think about it. Wouldn’t it be terrible if a thousand people died every year from trying to find natural cures to their illnesses? What if natural cures like vitamins & herbs killed 10,000 in the US each year? Would the critics have a fair argument then?

I’d honestly say yes. But unfortunately, that number wouldn’t even compare to what happens as a result of taking more “acceptable” mainstream medications.

According to the Journal of the American Medical Association over 100,000 people DIE from the approved prescription medicines every year…and that’s in the US alone. The figure doesn’t include non-prescription fatalities. Nor does it account for all the non-fatal side effects that adversely affected people’s quality of life. Actually about 2 million Americans suffer injury from prescription drugs.

100,000 dead.

2,000,000 injured.

If you were afraid of some imperfections in the alternative healing societies because they lack the “credibility” that comes with a nod from the official governing bodies…then the statistics above should make you reconsider.

I haven’t found an exact statistic for “natural healing” deaths to compare with…but from the information available it seems the numbers wouldn’t be in the same ballpark. For example, according to the American Association of Poison Control Centers, who collect data every year from 59 centers across the US, in the past 28 years there have been 11 deaths allegedly associated with vitamins. Yes, eleven.

For those who don’t want to be one of the 2.1 million sheep walking over the edge of the cliff this year, it might be time to explore ALL your options, including the natural ones. Because while there may be a time & place for some conventional medications, you might also get tangible results from resources that are less taxing on your body.

Natural herbs & supplements might take longer to see results, but often improve your overall health & well-being.

In fact, there are often perfectly natural ways to prevent the problem to begin with, or treat its root cause, rather than just masking the symptoms.

Please note this is not intended as official medical advice. It is meant to help educate the reader about natural treatments that have worked for others with similar conditions. We recommend you find and consult with a qualified health practitioner who specializes in natural healing and can point you in the right direction. (Rest assured, if your current doctor has never steered you in this direction before, he won’t now and will likely discourage you from it. Click on this link to find a Naturopathic Doctor in your area).


List of Natural Remedies

Here are a few natural options for handling adverse health conditions:



Turmeric/Curcumin. Curcumin is the extract of the popular Indian spice Turmeric.

Chiropractic alignment of the neck and back.

Massage. Especially of the neck, shoulders, temples, and muscular area between the base of the thumb and index finger.

Hydration. Many headaches occur due to a lack of adequate hydration. So drink plenty of clean water. Alcohol and coffee dehydrate you.

Minimize Stress. Meditation. Yoga. Church. 30 minute brisk walk or bike ride. Talk openly with your close friends. Laugh out loud: you can even do a Google search for stand up comedy and get hours of laughs.



There’s a lot of overlap with natural remedies for joint pain, often irrespective of their cause.

Glucosamine w/Chondroitin. Proven osteoarthritic joint pain relief and lubrication and nutrition of the joints.

MSM. (Methylsulphonylmethane). This is considered an essential nutrient for vertebrates. It is easily pushed out of our natural food sources with processing, heating, or drying of the foods. So it is found naturally in our food supply, but supplementation is recommended for optimum tissue repair and connectivity.

Curcumin. Among other benefits, it reduces inflammation. As an extract in supplemental form. Or obtain smaller quantities directly through the spice Turmeric.

Niacinomide (Niacin).  Back in the 1930s & 40s Dr William Kaufman found it improved arthritis, range of motion, etc. (250mg 6 times a day was one protocol).

Strengthening the muscles around the area. Often there is weakness in a certain muscle group, leading to overcompensation and pain. See your chiro, sports therapist, or open-minded MD for specific options.



Aloe Vera Juice. Find the high quality stuff at your health food store. Can be mixed with juice, smoothies, water, or food.

Take digestive enzyme supplements with your meals.

Build up the good bacteria in your stomach with probiotics such as acidophilus supplements and milk kefir. These help with digestion, building the immune system and promote general well-being.

Avoid pasteurized juices. If it’s sitting on a shelf in the store, it’s been pasteurized (or heat treated in some way) 99% of the time. Fresh squeezed is easier on the tummy.

Drink lots of water in between meals, and a little water with your meal (as opposed to soda, milk, alcohol, & pasteurized juices).

Proper food combining. Keep fruit separate from other foods. (See Fit For Life by Harvey Diamond.)

Eliminate: pasteurized dairy products (which is all dairy at regular grocery stores), fried food, junk food, candies, unhealthy desserts, snacks, etc. At the very least minimize all these things. Try cutting out all dairy (and possibly these other things listed) for two weeks and see how you feel.

Minimize stress. Work out the causes of your stress. If you can’t, get help however you see fit. Doctors, counselors, friends, church groups, and the like can go a long way in dealing with what might be the cause of this particular type of health issue.


Food for thought…

It’s important to understand that you’ll never have a headache because your body doesn’t have enough aspirin. You’ll never get a stomach ache because you’re deficient in antacids. Cancer rears its ugly head…because you need surgery, chemicals, & radiation? Of course not.

And the same goes for natural healing “remedies.”  Your stomach isn’t bothering you because you’re not getting enough aloe juice in your diet. Many of these natural options for helping you with a problem are simply there to help you with the symptoms you’re experiencing. And they’re a huge step up from harsh, synthetic drugs. But make it your aim to ultimately find the SOURCE of the problem. Drinking aloe juice might be a great, natural way of alleviating your stomach issues while you change your overall diet and lifestyle to find and eliminate the cause of the problem.



Apple Cider Vinegar. For 3 weeks cut out all sugary foods, apply raw apple cider vinegar (with “the mother”) to your affected areas 2-3 times a day, and take a tablespoonful mixed with water 2-3x per day on an empty stomach. It smells funny, which is no big deal if you’re applying a couple drops to small areas that your clothing covers. But if it is going on your scalp or large areas of uncovered skin & you don’t want to stink up the office, you might just be able to do 2x a day to avoid embarrassment. Night is easy, and in the morning get up early and apply it first thing. Leave it for an hour and then take your shower to remove the smell before leaving the house.

Vitamin A & Goldenseal. They both inhibit the production of polyamines, a group of toxins that can be formed when protein isn’t fully broken down or absorbed. Polyamines block the production of cyclic AMP, which regulates various metabolic processes and mediates the effects of many hormones. People with psoriasis have higher amounts of polyamine toxins.

Digestive enzymes & hydrochloric acid supplementation can also help with this as protein digestion begins in the stomach. (On this note, a restricted intake of animal protein & fat is also recommended for one struggling with these skin conditions.)

Flax Seed Oil. Try to consume a tablespoonful 1-2x per day, mixed with whatever food you like.

Oil of Emu. Topical application.

Minimize stress. Work out the causes of your stress. If you can’t, get help however you see fit. Doctors, counselors, friends, church groups, and the like can go a long way in dealing with what might be the cause of this particular type of health issue.



Vitamin C!!!! Natural food sources are ideal, such as citrus fruit & camu camu powder.

Minerals!!! Via raw & steamed green vegetables.

Fresh Squeezed Lemon Juice in water!!! Drink it all day, especially first thing in the morning.

Sleep!!! It’s more important now than ever.

Olive Leaf Extract. Great antioxidant for your immune sysem.


Crushed Raw Garlic on your food.

Gargle with warm (almost hot) salt water for sore throat.

Minimize sugar, alcohol, and all junk food. You want it for emotional comfort, but it will slow down the healing process.


How to PREVENT a Cold?

Any of the above on a daily basis while you’re still feeling good. Your body will be more equipped to fight off all the infections & viruses it is bombarded with daily. The essentials: fresh lemon juice, olive leaf extract, 8-12 cups water, & plenty of deep sleep every night.



Cayenne Pepper. According to Dr. John R. Christopher, “In 35 years of practice, and working with the people and teaching, I have never on house calls lost one heart attack patient and the reason is, whenever I go in (if they are still breathing) I pour down them a cup of cayenne tea (a teaspoon of cayenne in a cup of hot water) and within minutes they are up and around.”




Dr. Andrew Saul recommends 3,000 mg Niacin per day (as per the original work of Dr. Hoffer). Click here for more info. Check with your natural health practitioner about that one.



A multi-pronged approach is almost always needed.


B-Complex Vitamins.

Daily Exercise. Most sufferers of depression report an immediate lift to their spirits by incorporating a daily 20+ minute walk or bike ride out in the fresh air.

High amounts of fruits & vegetables, with little to no junk food & alcohol.




A very specific explanation & regimen can be found in this article: Attention Deficit Disorder & Hyperactivity Success, by Allen Buresz, D.C.






Counseling. If the funds aren’t available, try going for a walk/talk with a friend.




Charles Gant, N.M.D., Ph.D., M.D.,  Author of End your Addiction Now and ADD and ADHD Complementary Medicine Solutions recommends a very specific regimen that can be found here: natural treatment for OCD.


As you can see there are some products that are good for many uses. Here is a short list of items you can keep around the house for various at-home treatments.


A must have for cuts & scrapes to prevent infection.


Antibacterial, antimicrobial, antiseptic…so it’s good for many skin conditions such as ringworm, athlete’s foot, warts, and acne, as well as cuts & scrapes.


Anti-inflammatory. Anti-tumor. Antioxidant. The health benefits are beginning to look nothing short of miraculous.



Can help with digestion, clearing the skin, joint pain, and more. Mix 1 tablespoon with a tall glass of water & drink once to twice a day on an empty stomach. Or a smaller amount after a meal for heartburn. Also can be rubbed on the skin directly for psoriasis, warts, eczema, and more.


ALOE VERA (Plant or Pure Gel)

Proven to be effective in healing wounds, cuts, burns, sunburns, scar tissue and more. Keep the real plant on hand if possible and just break of an inch or so at a time to apply the inner gel to the affected area.



Shown to cause cancerous cells to systematically die off (aka apoptosis, a sort of programmed cell suicide). Improves circulation and helps prevent heart attacks. Has even been used in treating patients that were in the process of having a heart attack.



Also known as sodium bicarbonate. Increases your body’s alkaline pH levels for proper immune functionality & general well-being. Mix 1/2 teaspoon baking soda (not baking powder!) with a glass of water and drink, ideally on an empty stomach once a day, or twice if you feel a cold or flu coming on.


ARNICA CREAM (or other form)

Helps clear up bruised or traumatized areas after a fall, bump, sprain, or surgery. Restores normal blood flow through the affected area.


Again, this information is intended for educational purposes only & is not meant to be viewed as professional advice. Please consult your qualified health practitioner before trying these or any other methods of treating your symptoms. We highly recommend finding a doctor who encourages natural ways of healing the body whenever possible.

Follow this link to find a Naturapathic Doctor in your area. More natural remedies are coming, so be sure to check back every now and then.


All the best in your endeavor to improve your health naturally. Keep pressing on!

Seamless D



***To learn about a highly rated e-book that fully explains 12 alternative methods of fighting CANCER, click here! This can be an important resource for yourself or someone you know who might benefit from discovering options outside of chemo, radiation, & surgery. (Please note that this is an “affiliate link,” meaning it takes you to a website that offers you something to purchase. If you purchase it, I will get a commission.)