
Home Workouts & More: A Natural Approach to Life, Health & Well-Being

Home Workouts
Quick Health Tips Here

Health Tip of the Day


Here’s the skinny on “diet” soft drinks & many similar “no sugar” but still magically sweet dietary options….Artificial sweeteners trick your taste buds into thinking you’re body is being supplied with actual calories of one form or another for energy to function. The problem? Artificial sweeteners don’t usually have any calories whatsoever.

So you’re likely to EAT MORE FOOD as your body is looking for calories (energy). So I hope you have plenty of nutritious food like green salad & steamed broccoli in front of you while you’re drinking diet drinks!!

Nevermind the fact that the “artificial” aspect of the sweetening goal will probably kill you on it’s own. But you don’t even get skinnier, so let’s at least focus on what we’re trying to do right now…lose fat. And artificial sweeteners don’t really help.


New Study Shows Vitamin D Supplement is As Effective as Flu Vaccine! (from 2017)

I read this interesting article today on a mainstream news website, and I was extremely happy to see it, but will the government & mainstream media make as big a deal about this study as they do about the importance of the flu vaccine??? Of course not.

Experts at Queen Mary University London studied vitamin D (D2 & D3) effects on 11,000 people in 14 different countries, and taking vitamin D supplements resulted in a 12% decrease in acute respiratory tract infections (cold, flu, bronchitis, ear infections, etc)…which, the author pointed out, is about the same level of improvement as the flu vaccine!!! OMG

And that’s just taking ONE health supplement…imagine if the participants also increased their vitamin C, minerals, green vegetables & juices, & exercised regularly (if they weren’t already). …SMH

Here’s a link to the original report in the British Medical Journal.

It’s nice when the peeps in white lab coats finally arrive at the truth that you already knew. But to me, you can’t always wait on that. If you know that natural health remedies work for you, use them with pride and spread the word.


“Someone may beat me, but they are going to have to bleed to do it.”   -Steve Prefontaine

You haven’t heard of him…but you still might gain a little edge. Steve was a badass runner, competitor, & Olympian who died in a car accident when he was just 24. Fascinating dude, if you want to look him up.

Okay, one more from Steve, on the house:

“To give anything less than your best is to sacrifice the gift.”



It’s fantastic if you’ve made a New Year’s Resolution this year. Forget about all the people who drop off the wagon…consider for a moment all the people who went on to achieve their goals of losing weight, eating better, getting fit, working out x-times a week, putting on muscle, quitting smoking or drinking for 30 days, etc, and how you might be the next one to break through!! …simply because you made a NYE resolution.

How do you stick with it? One simple trick is to tell 3 people you think might keep you accountable. Not that it’s up to them at all. It’s fully up to you. But talking about it helps make it a reality…it’s now part of your conversation…it’s out there and it’s real. And by making people around you aware of what you’re trying to achieve, you get reality checks on a regular basis. Like when you see your friend at work who knows you’ve committed to cutting out sugar, you’re a bit more motivated to eat good food in front of them & skip the sugary treats. Sort of a “look at me, I’m really doing it” dynamic between you.

By talking about your health & fitness goals you help shape your new world. A place where you’re taking better care of yourself, and the people around you who care about you are aware of your situation and are helping motivate you…whether they know it or not.


GET A HEAD START ON YOUR NEW YEAR’S RESOLUTION!    Chances are you’ll make some type of New Year’s resolution in a few days. Why not cheat & get a head start??

Try this: drink extra water today & do a little exercise. Jog in place for a few minutes, drop to the floor and do 10 pushups (or however many feels suitable for you), and then do jumping jacks for a minute. If you feel up to it, do the cycle a couple more times. Try it again tomorrow.

Then in a few days, when you start your “official” New Year’s resolution, you’ll already have some momentum!!



If you drink coffee on a regular basis, and you’re a health conscious individual, consider making these 4 changes:

  1. Switch to ORGANIC coffee.
  2. Upgrade to organic milk! (You don’t need all those pesticides & hormones.)
  3. Add cinnamon instead of sugar for flavor. Cinnamon lowers blood sugar levels and provides helpful antioxidants for your immune system.
  4. If you still need a sweetener, try a little stevia or monkfruit…natural sweeteners that don’t appear to spike your blood sugar levels.

And if you’re drinking more than 1-2 cups a day, try to skip the 3rd cup. Instead, drink a glass of water and get a quick 2-3 minutes of exercise. This can provide a nice boost of energy without overloading on caffeine. You might also start sleeping better (if you cut out a cup of coffee)…and that could mean you need less caffeine tomorrow!

A lot of people substitute their afternoon coffee with a glass of bone broth. It doesn’t give quite as much jolt as coffee, but it makes you feel good, regulates your mood & energy level, and provides nourishment.



If you’ve just shaken hands with someone, used the ATM, opened a door at the local shop, or pretty much left the house today, you probably came into contact with bacteria from someone who picked their nose, took a leak (or worse) without washing your hands, or any number of gross possibilities.

And there’s not much you can do to stop the careless social behaviours of others. But you can wash your hands. The bacteria levels in public places is enough to make you want to stay home. But no reason to become a recluse. Just be sure to wash your hands frequently throughout the day. And wash them with normal soap, NOT ANTI-BACTERIAL soap, as that can actually makes you more susceptible to bugs & superbugs.

If you’re in a public bathroom & all they have available is anti-bacterial, of course use it. It’s the regular use of it that seems to be the problem. If your work only stocks AB soap, then bring your own regular liquid hand soap & hide it under the sink for your own personal use, if possible (I did that for a year!). Or just talk to the one purchasing the AB soap & see if they’ll switch. After all, it’s in the best interest of the workplace.

Scrub your soapy hands well for much more than just a few seconds, and then rinse with high pressure water & dry thoroughly (it matters).

And eat lots of foods that are good for your immune system, like kale, garlic, turmeric, herbal teas, and so forth. We can’t stop encountering nasty germs, but to a great degree we can limit their effect on us.



What you do for a living has a LOT to do with your path to fitness. Do you sit at a desk all day? You probably need to join a gym or do home workouts of some type, ride a bike, go swimming, etc. But you must proactively FIND PHYSICAL ACTIVITY, as you’re not forced to be active to put food on the table. And you also want to learn to be as active as possible while you’re at work. Even if you do a workout before or after “work,” it’s still terrible for your body to be sitting down for such a prolonged period of time. So get up for water breaks. Stretch. If you can find somewhere private, do some jumping jacks! ha. You might feel funny at first, but it’s probably better that you increase your metabolism & FEEL GOOD than make sure everyone approves of your office behavior!

But on the other hand, if you’re swinging a hammer & climbing ladders all day, or riding a bike on security patrol, or anything that’s truly physical, it’s less crucial that you dedicate time to a “workout.” Because for you, “work” really is work, in the traditional sense. Now, that’s not to say that you’re in great shape. If you’re not, the road to fitness will more likely be found in your eating habits. Are you eating white bread sandwiches at lunch? Drinking sodas or energy drinks to get you through the day? Cracking open several beers after work? Well cut it out! You’re already doing the workout, you might as well eat healthy so you can reap all the benefits! Think about it, your hard work can give you both a paycheck and a great physique! You’re getting paid to get ripped! ha

So if you sit around all day, start moving! And if you move around all day, eat like you’re training!



You can get some Vitamin D through supplements, but the best source is a little direct exposure to sunlight! Don’t overdo it by spending extended periods during the middle of the day. But during the winter it’s especially important to get in the sun to help your immune system, stay active, & keep your spirits up! So try to get even just 20 minutes on a work break. If it’s bad weather, that’s okay, just get out there next time it clears up. And try to get your arms and legs exposed if possible, or as much of your skin as you can.

Welcome to Seamless D, amigos. It’s our goal to help you achieve a better level of health and mental clarity so you can feel good and live the best life possible.

Imagine a better version of your body. Is it lean? Strong? Muscular? Active? Capable of fighting off sickness & disease? Picture it now. We want to help you achieve these health & fitness goals.

There may not be a quick fix for everything, but there are likely some obstacles standing in your way and it’s important to be aware of them & remove them. And there are great resources out there. Great foods to get you one tiny step closer to your ideal body every time you eat them. SIMPLE EXERCISES to help you improve your physical condition.

Do you feel alive and confident? Do you feel you have the tools to succeed in life? At work? At home? Tons of help is available and we try to put some of this at your fingertips through tips, articles, links, videos, and more.

There are SO many experts and helpful tools, and maybe one or two things on this site will connect you with natural solutions to help you live a dynamic and healthy life.


Select Video Clips to Help You on Your Journey

“There are two sets of hormones. Hormones that make you gain weight, and hormones that help you lose weight. Most mainstream advice focuses on the calories but ignores the hormone triggers.”

Dr Berg has been helping people lose weight and gain better health naturally for about 30 years. His expertise in nutrition, intermittant fasting, the ketogenic diet, chiropractic care, & more has impacted hundreds of thousands of people worldwide.

Getting Started with Resistance Bands (Get JACKED!)

Resistance band training is a great way to warm up before a workout or game, rehab from an injury, strengthen weak joints…but it can also be an entire workout that builds good muscle as you can see here from James Grage / Undersun Fitness. Get some bands and get to work!

Full Body HOME HITT WORKOUT w/Resistance Bands – Do This ANYWHERE

James Grage & wife (Annette?) take us through a full body HIIT workout (high intensity interval training). This will challenge you. If you’ve already been training a while, try to keep up with all they do. If you can’t, just pick & choose the exercises you’re able to do, use a light resistance on the bands, and work your way up over time.

Lose Fat with Time Restricted Eating. (Must Watch)

If you start eating your breakfast or even have a coffee at 8am, stop eating/drinking anything (other than water) by 8pm. It’s that SIMPLE. 

Dr Rhonda Patrick highlights the research on time restricted eating (similar to “intermittent fasting”). In addition to losing fat, there’s compelling evidence that time restricted eating helps build muscle. If you’d like to hear the original podcast in it’s entirety, click here: Rhonda Patrick on the Joe Rogan podcast.

Keto Diet for REAL Weight Loss & Long Term Health

A steady intake of sugar and carbs might be the biggest reason you’re carrying extra fat and can’t get in shape. It also leads to many major diseases. But when you eat more fat and very few carbs, your body starts to burn stored body fat for energy.

There are many dietary programs that work just fine. But eating “keto” can make you a fat burning machine. Eat fat, get skinny. And there are delicious foods to enjoy every single day to keep you satiated. Look into it & see what you think.

“Alcohol kills 3 million people every year.”

Excessive drinking wrecks lives, keeps you from obtaining your goals, and eventually changes your brain activity.

If you know, or even just suspect, that you’d do better in life by cutting back or even quitting alcohol, this guy offers some helpful food for thought. 

Intro to Calisthenics – No Weights Required

Calisthenics = working out using your own body weight for resistance. No weights required. No gym required, though having a gym or monkey bars in a park, etc, will help a lot. But you can get your own pullup bar at home and get to work on getting strong & ripped, naturally.

Can’t do a pullup? No problem! This video shows you several ways to build up to it, even if you don’t have much strength to start with.

Strong Correlation Between Vitamin D Levels & COVID?

Dr Rhonda Patrick & her colleagues are currently researching the impact of vitamin D on the immune system, and here explores how it might impact on our natural defence against the current virus threats. Around 70% of people are deficient, and your skin pigmentation can play a major role in how deficient you actually are.


I just found this guy today (May 04, 2020), and his clear presentation on what has low carbs/sugar vs what has no carbs/sugar was SO helpful. 

Dr Sten Ekberg hightlights what you can eat on Keto to lose weight & reverse insulin resistance, and even gives insight into the grey areas, like what happens if you have black coffee while you’re fasting. 

If You’re Already Doing KETO or a LOW CARB DIET, You’ll Love this Video! 

Apple Cider Vinegar… What Does It Really Help With, and HOW Does it Work? 

Another thoughtful approach to something many of us take on a daily basis, ACV, from Dr Sten Ekberg, DC.

If you’ve never taken it, you might discover how it can help with digestion, acid reflux, & more. A balanced look at the health benefits of ACV (he doesn’t think it’s a cure-all, but does serve a purpose.)

Migraine. Tendonitis. Back Pain. Fibromyalgia. Arthritis…

Narcotic pain killers are undoubtedly strong, but those side effects can be killer. Why not consider what’s available naturally?

Dr Axe & co explore some options that you may not have previously considered.

My Cell Phone is Basically Safe, Right?

Remember when smoking was allowed on flights? Dr Devra Davis was part of the committee that removed smoking on airplanes (thank God!), and since has become an internationally recognised expert on electromagnetic radiation from mobile phones and other wireless transmitting devices.

She is currently the Visiting Professor of Medicine at the Hebrew University Hadassah Medical School. Dr Davis was Founding Director of the Center for Environmental Oncology at The University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute —­ the first institute of its kind in the world, to examine the environmental factors that contribute to the majority of cases of cancer.

Take Care of Your Back, Neck, Hips, & Joints

A lot of people jump into heavy training regimens too fast. It’s important to get your body ready for it, especially if you’re really out of shape, obese, recovering from injury, or feeling any tightness in your back, neck, or joints. Take some time each day to care for these structural components of your body, and your long term training goals will benefit.

Even if Your DON’T Have Back or Neck Issues, Watch This

Bob & Brad are two lighthearted physical therapists with a ton of videos with practical ways to improve your posture, back pain, joint issues, and more. Whether you have pain or not, it’s important to eliminate the bad habits demonstrated here if you don’t want problems down the track.

Don’t let a silly mistake in posture be the reason you can’t train. 

How to Use a Balance Board / Wobble Board (Important!)

Today I watched 6 videos on how to use a wobble board (aka balance board), and this one came out on top. If you’ve had knee, ankle, hip, or foot issues, this is a great place to start (especially from the seated position if you’re rehabbing). No injuries? Using a wobble board will still help improve your balance, strengthen your joints and muscles in your legs, hips, & core. They’re CHEAP to pick up, and should be done at least a few times a week. 

Get Started w/ Simple Balance Moves – DAILY!

Certified personal trainer Kai Simon shows us 3 simple balance exercises for beginners. Help improve your balance, strengthen & stabilize your ankles, knees, & hips for better performance in just about everythin else you do throughout the day.

Loosen Your HIPS: Essential for Weightlifting, Jui-Jitsu, & Overall Mobility

Tom Merrick shows how you can benefit from good form & loosening up your hips to improve your form while doing squats. If you want to get stonger in the weight room, perform better in martial arts, or if you complain of tightness or pain, especially while doing squats, this quick lesson should help.

Flexibility will help you with better athletic performance. It also helps reduce the chance of injury, so it’s important to work on stretching the right way. 

Muscles & tendons will react to stresses that are placed on them, so stretching them will help them elongate and get stronger.

Jared Beckstrand, DPT (Doctor of Physical Therapy)

Stabilize Your BASE: 12 Strengthening Exercises

While the theme of this video is strengthening the knees, it offers 12 excellent at-home exercises that will help strengthen the knees, hips, quads hamstrings, calves…basically a great lower body workout…especially for beginners or anyone with weakness or instability in their knees. (And maybe “movin on” is the new “get ‘er done”?)

Quick Exercises to Help with Most Shoulder Pain

This clip shows not only how to help alleviate many types of shoulder pain, but also how it usually starts to begin with. Bob & Brad demonstrate that your posture can actually cause a pinched nerve. Several quick stretches to fix the problem. 

Knee/VMO  Strengthening Exercises

Activ Chiropractic offers a quick clip of some basic knee strengthening exercises, specifically by exercising the related muscles. Great if you’re rehabbing an injury or post-surgery (when your doc or therapist says you can do stuff like this, of course).

Sleep & Recovery

There’s a reason sleep deprivation is a form of torture. It wreaks havoc on the body & mind. Even with a tough schedule, you want to maximize whatever sleep window you have available. Dim the lights a few hours before bed. Workout earlier in the day vs later if possible. Dim the brightness on your computer if you have to use it. Stop eating 3+ hrs before your desired sleep time. Drink an herbal tea designed to help you sleep better (right after dinner). If you can’t get a proper night’s sleep but can take a little nap at some point during the day, settle for that! But give your body as much rest as possible.

Dr Mike’s Personal Routine for BETTER SLEEP.

Happy, upbeat MD sharing several ways he ensures a good night’s sleep. Not sure why he included his beard shaving & facial moisturizing…telling the full story I guess. But a great little post, and I’m actually putting at least 2 of his tips into practice as I wind down right now!

“After 20 hours of being awake, you’re as impaired as you would be if you were legally drunk.” – Matthew Walker

Most people don’t get enough sleep. If you’re one of them, it’s holding you back. But it doesn’t have to be. Watch this 13 minute clip from Joe Rogan’s podcast to see what Matthew Walker says about how this is even affecting doctors & medical students in a way that impacts us all.

Look After Your Mind, Thoughts, & Perspectives

A lazy mind will breed all kinds of bad habits. Start reading books again. They’re cheap as hell these days. ha. Expose yourself to different points of view and ask yourself why this person thinks this way. Do they have some justification? Explore the science behind what makes you the person you are now vs what you are capable of becoming. 

13 Things Mentally Strong People Don’t Do

A visual, narrated overview of Amy Morin’s book by the same name, given by the YT channel Productivity Game. 

If you catch yourself doing any of these things, you’re holding yourself back from being the best version of you and reaching your goals. 

Being Aggressive Overcomes Fear.

Jocko Willink & Jordan Peterson.

“Voluntarily encountering something you’re afraid of is not the same as running from it.”

By choosing to expose ourselves to those things we fear, or that are uncomfortable or in some way painful, we directly ensure it will be easier the next time around.

It can be interesting and even fun to explore and learn about our personality types. But they don’t paint the whole picture, and you’re not bound by them. As Brian Little points out, we all have free traits. So be less concerned with personality type than with: What are your core projects in life? These are what really matter when it comes to your personality.

Dr Brian Little, Ph.D, professor at Cambridge University

Do the Work & Enjoy the Ride

When you’re used to a certain lifestyle that is marked by laziness and eating whatever you feel like, getting in shape will feel like a lot of work. And it is a lot of work. But there are perks along the way…

  • Great tasting treats (like the chocolate smoothie pictured).
  • Delicious high fat foods that are natural and help you lose weight.
  • A firmer stomach.
  • Better fitting clothes.
  • No more fear and embarrassment when wearing your swimwear at the beach.
  • Being more physically able to help people in an emergency situation.

The main thing is if you’re really struggling to do the “hard” stuff, keep at it and find enjoyment in the progress you have made. And if you need to, occasionally fall back on some of the easier things, like eating a comforting raw cacao smoothie. Or skipping the gym if you’re not up to it today and just playing with the dogs out back for a half hour.

Be sure to check in regularly for little fitness nuggets on the “Quick Health Tips” dropdown tab above (updated a few times a week, or thereabouts).

Are you looking to create a better version of yourself? Look at everything as an opportunity for improvement. Get outside. Go for a hike. A run. A walk. Stuck on hold with the phone company? Put it on speaker & start exercising. Do some stretching. Calf raises. Hop on your wobble board.  …A gym is great. But get creative. Make everything your gym.

Workout at Home -Weights


Exercise can be hard, but at least do SOMETHING today. If you’re not very active, it’s better to get in a light stretching session, or do some yoga poses, or take a little walk after dinner. Doing a small bit of exercise won’t give you dramatic gains, but it will give you momentum & lay a good foundation. The pattern of doing exercise daily will help get your metabolism up, & that’s a huge part of being fit.


Healthy Eating -Berry Dessert

Healthy Eating

It’s amazing how much your ENTIRE LIFE BENEFITS when you eat well. Your mind is sharper. You sleep better. More energy throughout the day. Your skin clears up. Whether you’re looking for some quick weight loss tips that are also safe & healthy, or you want a good smoothie recipe to keep your healthy habits fresh, we’ve got some ideas to help you embrace a clean diet that is sustainable in the long run.

Sports Analysis -Basketball

The Mental Edge

Life is more than just work, food, & building muscle. You are more than just a body and brain. There’s the outer, physical you. And there’s the inner you. The Real you. And it’s important to feed this inner person. To challenge it & expose it to different viewpoints that aren’t always commonplace in the mainstream. Become “switched on” & you might just find that edge you’ve been missing.

Home Workouts -Running

Home Workout Videos

Some people love going to the gym, while others don’t enjoy it or don’t care to pay that kind of money. Working out at home is a great way to stay in shape without spending much or any money! Home workout videos help give you ideas and something to follow along with. We’ve just started making these videos & want to hear from you…what type of videos would you like to see? …Videos Coming Soon!
Older Stuff

This site started out heading in one direction, then another, and now it’s current trajectory. I’m debating if I should completely remove all the old random stuff, tuck it away in a corner, or just leave it out in plain sight. For now, here’s some of it:


Is Lonzo Ball Best in 2017

Is Lonzo Ball the Best Player in the 2017 NBA Draft?

There’s already a lot of excitement over the 2017 NBA draft, and a lot of players are turning heads. Who do you think is the best player? Will he get drafter first? One player who’s definitely in the mix is Lonzo Ball.   Read more…

Hangover Remedy - coffee

6 Natural Cures for a Hangover

Party too hard last night? There might not be an INSTANT fix to remove your pain, but there are some natural remedies to help get rid of your hangover a bit more effectively than just slamming some coffee and heading in to the office. Read on if you want to learn more about. …Natural Hangover Remedies

Natural Deodorant! (click here)
How much have you spent over the years trying to hide that nasty underarm smell? How many awful flowery fragrances have unsuccessfully masked your stinky pits?

Well there’s good news if you like the smell of coconut, and most of us do! Even better if you’re concerned about adding aluminum & dangerous chemicals into your body (found in most commercial antiperspirants & deodorants).

Try regular coconut oil. That’s right. As long as you don’t put too much on it absorbs into the skin nicely (roughly half a teaspoon per armpit). And it smells fantastic!

In fact, it’s an excellent way to moisturize the face and entire body as it’s perfectly natural and doesn’t clog your pores like you might think. So give it a try. (Keep in mind that it’s gentle & mild, so you might need a 2nd application midday or during the afternoon).

It’s not an antiperspirant, so it it’s more about fixing the smell vs blocking your body’s natural sweat glands. As for the source of the smell & nervous sweating, consider a cleaner, less toxic diet for the smell and relaxation techniques to help with the nerves.

“The pessimist complains about the wind, the optimist expects it to change, the realist adjusts the sails.”
William Arthur Ward

“Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.”

“Formal education will make you a living; self-education will make you a fortune.”
Jim Rohn

The Best Natural Protein Powder…Unleashed!

Looking for the Best Natural Protein Powder? Eating a healthy, natural diet will bring about wonderful results. But if you: train a lot want to increase your strength or muscle mass don't eat meat or would just like to add a little kick to your health and fitness...

VIDEO: Making a Raw Chocolate Smoothie

Want to see exactly how the chocolate smoothie can be made? Check out this video by someone who recently fell in love with this chocolate sensation.

Smoothie Recipes

Smoothies are a great way to get high levels of nutrition in an easy to digest form. Try some of these recipes or use them as launching pads to create your own. Contact us if you have a favorite recipe you think others would enjoy.   BERRY BANANA:   Combine...

Will Avocados Make Me Fat?

HAVE YOU EVER WONDERED... Will avocados make me fat? We all know avocados are high in fat...somewhere in the ballpark of 28g each. So the questions naturally arise... With all that fat, do avocados make ME fat or gain weight? Are they actually bad for my health? ...

What are some other topics you’d like covered on this site? Let us know by using the contact form below. Or if you have any YouTube clips to recommend, feel free to send a link and briefly explain why it’s meaninful for you.

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