
Looking for the Best Natural Protein Powder?

Eating a healthy, natural diet will bring about wonderful results.

But if you:

  • train a lot
  • want to increase your strength or muscle mass
  • don’t eat meat
  • or would just like to add a little kick to your health and fitness program

…then increasing your protein consumption in the right way really can help you achieve better results. This is especially important for vegans and vegetarians, but even full spectrum eaters like me know the value of plant-based food sources. The search for the best natural protein powder may have no real end, but if that’s the case I think I just found a nice place to take a rest on my journey.

Just a few months ago I really fell in love with a particular plant-based protein powder. Since then I’ve tried other options, including another plant-based powder to compare the two side by side.

In the end I actually could not bring myself to name the 2nd vegetarian protein powder here because, while it provides quality protein from similarly wonderful ingredients…it didn’t taste nearly as good as the 1st powder. And rather than slam an otherwise nice product, I’d rather just tell you what I think is great. Check out what I wrote immediately after my first taste of this vegan protein powder:

At this moment, I am quite literally drinking my first ever portion of Sunwarrior protein powder. A while back my friend recommended it to me because he likes it and has been experiencing good results. On that recommendation alone I could have made it available to my other friends on this site.

This guy is a bit of a mentor to me and everything else he’s put me in touch with has been a winner. So I would have made it available to my friends at some stage…but I was curious and picked up a big 1 kilo bag of the stuff today, came home and worked out, and out of curiosity went straight for it since right after a workout is known to be the most crucial time to consume protein. The result? I not only want to make a link available…I was compelled to write an entire article about it!

Let me give you a little bit of context in case you’ve never tried protein powders. I’ve dabbled in them here and there since the 80s. And as you might know, at that time most were repugnant: foul taste & gritty texture were the true sign you were on your way to big muscles. In the 90s they made huge strides and they tasted incredibly good. But whenever I read the ingredients I was always put off by the added sugar, or worse, artificial sweeteners that were added (and about 41 other ingredients that could not be deciphered).

And since then I’ve learned just how rough those typical protein powders are on your body. I’m not saying they didn’t build muscle. Most everyone who took them consistently experienced muscle and strength gains. But the problem with many of these supplements is that they were, and are, tough on the digestive system. Building muscle at the expense of your overall health isn’t exactly my idea of success.

  • For starters most powders aren’t raw. Cooking or heat treating foods destroys their enzymes, rendering them much less valuable to the body and more difficult for the digestive system to break down.
  • Plus there are all those other ingredients added for flavor, wreaking further havoc on the cells in your body.
  • And so much of the ingredients were (& still are) processed, synthetic, lab-created…essentially unnatural.

Tastes surprisingly well just mixed with water.

But many of us are looking for the best NATURAL protein powder, and that’s where the Sunwarrior protein powder is different. It is Raw, Vegan, without added sugar, no artificial sweeteners, without tons of peripheral ingredients…it is all natural and very easy for your body to digest.

Because of all that, each scoop provides the human body with 16 grams of protein that your body can actually USE! Without feeling like you’re digesting sand. Without any animal by-products. Without all the crap. Just good, natural protein from rice to help you build muscle, get stronger, repair broken down tissue, and become a better you.

I know this might all sound a bit overzealous. But really, I’m drinking the shake right now, I just finished my last drink of it and I’m going back for more. So bear with me a second…

Wow…this flat out tastes good. Of course I don’t think it is the absolute best thing I’ve ever tasted…that might be a perfectly ripe mango, or a chocolate smoothie, or some deep fried decadent setback to my health goals. But dammit I remember all those gritty protein shakes and for all the health improvements Sunwarrior has made, it exceeds my expectations with a pleasant, natural vanilla flavor (they also have chocolate and unflavored). It’s not too sweet at all. There is a TINY bit of texture to it, but not nearly enough to call it gritty. Very smooth overall.

And here’s the kicker… I drank it straight up with water! I didn’t drown it in anything to mask the naked flavour. So mixing it with a smoothie won’t even be necessary! [But as you can imagine, that also turns out to be exceptionally delicious.]

Probably the only real downside is that the stuff isn’t cheap, but if you’re trying to build muscle and care about your health and longevity, a raw, natural supplement like this will prove invaluable. And it will last you a while because the bag is huge.

Best Natural Protein Poweder…6 Months Later

So that’s what I wrote nearly 6 months ago. And while I haven’t tried every product on the market, since then I haven’t found any other high quality protein source that tastes as good as this with comparable natural ingredients, especially if you’re looking for vegetarian or vegan protein powder. Consider the following aspects of Sunwarrior Protein Powder:

  • Complete amino acid profile! It contains the 9 essential amino acids your body can’t produce on its own
  • Sprouted from whole grain brown rice
  • Great for meat eaters or vegans
  • 98.2% assimilation (meaning your body can use what you’re paying for….rather than sending it straight to the toilet)
  • Hypo-allergenic & Gluten-free
  • 80% protein (competitively high, especially for a plant-based supplemental food source)
  • Natural awarded it the Editor’s Choice for best new protein

So try it for yourself and see what you think. Is this the best natural protein powder in your opinion? Mix it with cold water, blend it in a smoothie, or experiment with your own application and tell us what you think. We believe eating healthy and getting fit can be fun and pleasurable, and this product falls right in line with that outlook. I hope it helps you on your way to creating the better body you’ve been dreaming of.